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Gwyrosydd Primary

‘Working together to unlock our potential’

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  • Information Update

    Fri 09 Jul 2021

    Dear Parents

    Well what an end to the last full week that was! Having gone over 7 months without sending anyone home to isolate as being ‘absolutely’ Covid positive we’ve had to take action on several cases across the school and ask staff and cohorts to isolate. I think we had all forgotten just how stressful, confusing and challenging the whole matter is.


    For the best interests of all, I’ll summarise what has taken place this weekend. Following the procedures set out, Y1KO were sent home to isolate as there was a positive LFT test, however, this has subsequently been followed by a negative PCR test and so the class can return to school on Monday as normal. Y1CD weren’t affected by the first case, however someone has had a positive PCR test over the weekend and so, sadly, this class now has to isolate up to and including the 18th of July. 


    Please be assured we have and will take action where pupils are unwell with potential symptoms and we are grateful to those of you who have come to collect your children and taking them to be tested. We know that many turn out to be negative but your support in protecting the community is appreciated by all.


    We have other positive parent and pupil cases in our school, but here children were already off and so no further classes have to isolate at present. We have 9 staff off having been connected to positive cases in school. Sadly these staff will miss the end of term.


    All actions have been taken in following the guidance for schools and in consultation with TTP. No decisions have been taken lightly and have been made in order to protect the wider school community. We wish all those isolating well and thank them for their support. Covid continues to be a challenge to us all. I think these past few days have reminded us all that we cannot be complacent and we still need to be very careful. We thank everyone for their support. 

    I know that some of you feel that your children should come to school if they aren’t showing symptoms but the present rules say that we must keep everyone off in case they develop symptoms. I am sorry but we have to follow these requirements at this time. We really do appreciate how difficult and frustrating this is for all concerned.


    This has perhaps been a very important reminder that we need to keep wearing our masks on site at this time and ensure that we continue to socially distance. Please be assures that none the pupil cases have been attributed directly to the school and the present procedures are working and protecting everyone and will continue to do so as long as we follow the rules / guidance.


    September changes to Covid rules

    The Welsh Minister for Education has sent a letter to schools and parents about the autumn term (Copy attached). In his letter he makes statements that will need to be ‘unpicked’ by schools and the Local authority. Please be assured that we will give you guidance about the return in the autumn as soon as we are able to give clear messages.


    September Return

    One clear message I can share is that September 2nd will be an INSET day and we will return to school on Friday September 3rd



    On Friday we sent out our end of year reports. An electronic copy has been sent to every child’s Hwb email account. In addition, paper copies were sent out on Friday, along with an attendance report for the year, a self-portrait by your child, notification of who your child’s class teacher will be next year and a feedback form. We hope you find the reports informative and that, along with your recent teacher meeting, they give you a feel as to how your child has settled to school in this Covid ravaged year, their strengths, development needs and how they have been learning. Please take a moment to use the form to feedback on the reports as we use this to ensure they meet your needs and expectations. 

    If you have not been able to collect your child’s report please contact us and we will do our best to ensure you get a copy as soon as possible.


    Sports Day /Sports days

    Weather permitting will be proceeding with sports day events for the children. They will compete within their bubble and all equipment will be cleaned before being used by the next bubble. Each teacher has been asked to ensure that they take lots of photos and share them with you through your normal communication software Dojo, twitter, etc.


    Class Parties

    The end of year has always been marked with a class party and this year will be no different. Each class has organised its own event. No food or drink can be shared between pupils so please ensure all food is individually packed or sealed. Thank you. All tables will be cleaned before and after the children eat, just as they would have been when we had to have dinners in class when we first came back in the autumn term.


    Transition session

    All pupils will have a short transition session on Wednesday when they will spend some time in their new classroom with their new teacher. We appreciate that for many pupils this will be the same as this year, however for some it will be totally new and it essential they have some idea as to where they will be and who they will be with.


    Last day of school

    School will close to pupils at our normal end of day times on Wednesday July 14th The following two days are INSET days.


    Parental Feed-back requested

    We need your feedback on the ‘staggered day’ in place at present. We believe that the way the day is set up at present works well. It has certainly made entry and exit more structured and calm. Playtimes and lunchtimes have had more structure and the children have had more space to play. Children have settled to learning quicker and more readily. … However you will no doubt have your own view and we are genuinely interested in what you think. Please reply to or send a reply in with your child.
