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Gwyrosydd Primary

‘Working together to unlock our potential’

Uniform Information

The children at Gwyrosydd chose the school uniform and we encourage and expect children to wear it. Uniform helps to make us all to be equal and to be part of our larger school family. It helps with our identity and avoids arguments about what to wear to school. We are proud to wear our uniform. Our uniform is comprised of:

  • White shirt, polo T-shirt or blouse with collar
  • Red school sweatshirt, jumper or cardigan
  • Dark grey, blue or black trousers or knee length skirt (NOT Denim)
  • Red and white gingham or striped dresses can be worn during the summer term
  • Black sensible shoes (Please note open backed, high heeled and in many cases, designs of ‘fashion’ shoes are not suitable for day to day wear in school)


School shirts and sweatshirts are available from the school office between 9:30 and 3:00 Monday to Friday. We also sell P.E. kit bags and small cases suitable for carrying reading books, records, etc. to and from school.


Jewellery is not to be worn in school. The accidental pulling and catching of earrings, rings and necklaces during play can cause severe damage to fingers and ear lobes! Children will be asked to remove earrings or tape over studs during P.E./Games activities if worn to school. The school cannot accept responsibility for the loss or damage of items of jewellery and watches. Long hair must be tied back in school for reasons of health and hygiene.


We ask parents to ensure that items of value are not brought to school. This includes expensive watches, personal stereos, iPods, mobile phones etc. It also makes life easier for everyone if all clothing including shoes and watches (if they have to be worn) are clearly marked with your child’s name. That way if items are misplaced and then found they can be quickly returned to their owner.

We also ask parents to provide a PE kit that should include:


  • shorts
  • T-shirt
  • Change of socks
  • Trainers for outdoor games
  • A tracksuit is useful on cold winter days.

Please note our emphasis on the need for a change of footwear from everyday use in school, to trainers for outdoor use on the playground or field. This is important for hygiene and also helps to keep the school building clean. Most P.E. work in the hall is undertaken in bare feet as recommended by the L.E.A. For games sessions in the winter, children should be equipped with an old sweater or tracksuit to keep them warm.


Parents are asked to remember that their children will have outdoor playtimes all through the year and should make sure that children have appropriate outer wear. During the colder months children should always have a warm coat in school, with a hat and gloves if necessary. During the summer children are likely to spend a lot of time outside and should never come to school wearing clothes that could expose delicate areas of skin to the sun, for example vest tops, strappy dresses etc. Children should also be provided with a suitable sun hat to protect their heads when it is very hot.
